Saturday, December 20, 2008

Youth Fundraiser in Keller

Today was the youth fundraiser at Bear Creek Bible Church in Keller, TX. They apply named it "Stop, Drop and Shop". Parents could bring their children to the church and leave them from 9-2 while they took that time to shop, run errands, go to a movie, or whatever it was they wanted to do. It was a HUGE success! Rebekah and Kyle Meeker, BCBC youth leaders, did an amazing job creating an organized and fun day for all 40+ kids who participated. Everyone had a great time. I loved being able to hang out all day with the kids. They were so great. Enjoy this slideshow of pictures from the event.


travis ham said...

I love the pictures! That day was such a blast and you did a great job capturing it :-)

Anonymous said...

I had so much fun that day! The pictures are awesome!!

God bless you and the foundation.