Monday, December 1, 2008

Hannah the Birthday Girl

This is Hannah. Hannah is a 5th grader who recently turned 11. Instead of collecting presents for herself, she chose to collect costumes for The Princess Alexa Foundation. Hannah and her friends collected close to 20 costumes! Her mother, Stephanie said, "At the birthday party, Hannah opened each costume and we got to talk about the foundation and how much fun and joy these costumes will bring kids who have to be in the hospital. For Christmas we plan on working on accessories for the closet."

I got to meet Hannah and her mother just before Thanksgiving when they were kind enough to bring to my home all the things Hannah collected. She is a bright and funny girl who I can tell is loved very much. She said to me, "It makes me feel good to give things to other people. I don't always like getting gifts just for myself. I don't know why, but if I can give things to kids who need it more than that makes me feel good." Thank you, Hannah for your kindness and generosity. You will definitely help to make others "feel good" when they need it most.

I am impressed by Hannah and the other children who have written to me about the foundation and the good things they learn by going out and getting something for other children. It makes me "feel good" to know that this foundation is able to help all children in that way. They are the treasures of life. When you just let kids be kids, you find out how much we can ALL learn from them.


Julia said...

What an amazing girl!

Team Russi said...

Hannah is a true giver. Her family must be so proud! What a sweet girl.

Anonymous said...

i went to that party we learned about Alexa and were the costumes were going Hannah is a amazing girl!im a really good friend of hers ill try to get Hannah to write here love Dominique