Thursday, September 25, 2008

We are official!

In June of this year, my daughter Alexa was admitted to the hospital for persistent fevers. Pictured here in her Fancy Nancy gear, you can see that she was feeling wonderful otherwise. A week later, it was determined that an unidentifiable infection had taken over her lungs and a biopsy was needed to further investigate our options.

The evening of the surgery, she was laying in bed with an oxygen mask on. She started talking about things she wanted to do when she got better so I told her we could make a list and when she was better we would do everything she wanted. Number one was "Go to a park, a PINK park". Number two was "get a pink dress". She loved parks and playing dress up and her favorite color was, of course, PINK. The list continued but we never got to do the things on her list because a week later Alexa died in my arms. Her weakened body was unable to fight off the terrible infection and her lungs simply gave out. She lived for four years, one month and 25 days.

In the days and weeks that followed I lived in a fog of disbelief and utter agony. My sweet darling girl had died and all I could do was grieve her. One day I went to dinner with a fellow cancer mother. She told me about an idea she had that Alexa would have loved- a dress up closet for the cancer kids at her hospital. Listening to her, my heart was filled with joy for the first time since Alexa's passing and I knew that Alexa was guiding me to her work.

Shortly thereafter, The Princess Alexa Foundation was organized and today, three months later, we are beginning to see the first fruits of our labor. We currently provide costumes for terminally ill children on hospice care. We also provide dress up accessories for quarterly themed parties held for the cancer patients at Children’s Medical Center of Dallas. Our 2008 plans include a dress up closet on the cancer floor for children to enjoy on a regular basis. These children are immuno suppressed, so all costumes will be new and they will get to keep what they pick out. We are also in the planning stages for “Alexa’s Pink Park” – a place where all children, including those with special needs, can safely play and enjoy their vibrant young lives.

Thank you to all our supporters thus far. I would like to especially thank my sister Colleen for teaming with me on the creation and implementation, my brother Derek for the incredible website, my husband Zack for administrative help, Kristi for legal advice, Jenny Scott for non-profit advice and my other friends on the board: Kirsten, Shelly and Ann. Thank you to all those who have shown excitement and given encouragement for Alexa's Foundation.

This is Alexa's work. I hope it will make her proud.


Derek Kelly said...

Love you guys, I hope you enjoy the website!

Jenny said...

The website looks GREAT!! Congrats on this huge milestone. I am so looking forward to helping with the Princess Alexa Foundation

Team Russi said...

Alexa's foundation website looks wonderful. You and your family did a great job!

Alexa was always so proud of her family. I imagine that she is bursting with pride today. She loved to see her name... and now we see her name, dress up clothes and her spirit helping other children. She would have loved all of this. Way to go, Team Aigner!!! I wish you every success in your endeavor to help other children and honor our sweet baby girl.

Colleen said...

I couldn't be more proud of being involved with such an awesome cause. Miss you, Lex!

starstruck_texan said...

You have done an amazing job so far. This site is wonderful already. I can't wait to watch this foundation take off. I'll be shopping the Halloween clearance racks for sure.

Amy Pennington said...

This site is so wonderful! I will spread the word!

Mary Lynn said...

The website is beautiful and perfect. I'm off to email it to everyone I know!

Julia said...

It's official! Congratulations!

Tammy said...

Wow! This site is so perfect. I really love it. I am amazed at how fantastic it looks but I didn't expect anything less. You are doing such an amazing job. I know Alexa's foundation is going to help so many children. Having things to look forward too that are fun make the experience of going to clinic so much better for children. Happiness is healing- how true!
Your family is amazing- what a wonderful job. I love everything about the site. It is so informative and beautiful. My favorite thing though is the Princess Gallery. I loved looking at the pictures of Miss Alexa. It made me feel like I felt the day I met her in the hospital. I could feel her special spirit, so strong and beautiful and brave.

heatheranderson said...

The website is beatiful! As beautiful as Alexa.

Unknown said...

I think the website is beautiful, and the idea behind the foundation is an amazing way to allow Alexa to continue to help others which we all know she loved to do. My heart out goes out to you and I will be following the foundation and contributing when I can.

Gwen said...

The new site looks AWESOME! I'm so glad that Alexa came to you and baby Zack the way she did! What a girl!!!

Anonymous said...

the site looks awesome!!! i love all the pictures of alexa. if you need help with anything on the site, let me know. i will help with whatever you, or any of the other people working on it, need.