Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hospice Care Kiddos

This week we have the incredible opportunity to begin our giving! Thanks to all the interest generated from the Spiderman request, we have been able to fulfill several other hospice patient requests as well. This week we will give to a 7-year old Spiderman lover, a 6-year old Princess and a little 2 1/2 year old Care Bear with two Transformer adoring brothers.

It has been so fun seeing the gifts and money arrive for this important cause. Having known what it is like to live with a child on hospice care, I can tell you that seeing them with a smile on their face is a parent's only occupation and joy. Every minute of their soon-to-be shortened life becomes more meaningful and precious.

Helping these children and their families get a little more out of life through the joy of dressing up brings a sense of love and satisfaction to my life that I thought I would never feel again. I know it is Alexa's work and she is proud to help them.

PLEASE consider sending a donation so we can continue this great work for ill children. Be sure to put a shopping day on your calendar after Halloween. Our goal is to get a stock pile of at least 2,000 costumes to carry forward Alexa's work. Thank you.

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